With our ample experience, we design, develop and manufacture a variety of oil and liquid filling machines. Our specialised range of filling machines is widely used across various industries for filling oils and liquid materials into jars, cans, tins and bottles. Additionally, we offer Industrial Oil Filling Machines and Heavy Duty Oil Filling Machines to meet the needs of our valued clients.
Edible Oils
Other Liquids
Latest Microcontroller based design
Rugged construction
Heavy Duty Load cell for rough handling
Stainless Steel Valve with Teflon seating
Coarse and fine feed for better accuracy
User friendly
Auto calibration
High internal count greater than 2,00,000 counts
Sigma Delta conversion
Inbuilt Real Time clock with Watch Dog Circuit
Data retention in memory even during power failure
Gross/Net Filling
Auto Start
Up to 5 recipe selection
SMS facility
Printer Interface
Computer Interface
Remote Display
Higher Capacity
Flame Proof