Evolvere is committed to conducting business in an ethical and honest manner. To this effect, Evolvere has developed and implemented robust and continually improving policies to ensure transparency and accountability in the system.
1. Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) Policy
ABMS Policy
Evolvere’s business ethos is built on integrity, transparency, and compliance to the laws of the jurisdiction it operates in. As part of our ongoing commitment to ethical business practices, we have a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption; and are committed to implementing, practicing, enforcing and continually improving an effective management system to counter any attempts or acts of bribery and corruption.
The compliance function is an independent body and is responsible for overseeing the administration and implementation of Evolvere’s compliance program and will report quarterly to the governing body & top management. The Compliance Function has the authority to direct and implement compliance-related changes and to determine the corporate response to compliance-related matters.
Communicating Compliance and Policies
A detailed policy has been established and communicated effectively to all stakeholders. Evolvere is committed to an environment in which open communication is encouraged, including questions or concerns about the compliance program.
Raising Concerns
Employees may contact direct managers, the Chief Executive Officer, the Compliance Officer or the Compliance Committee at mahesh@evolveres.in.
Monitoring, Auditing and Investigations
The compliance program includes activities designed to monitor and audit compliance with Evolvere’s policies and procedures. The Compliance Officer (or designee) reviews and evaluates concerns to determine the required investigative response. Any findings from such analysis are used to trigger appropriate corrective, preventive actions or improvement. The ownership of these actions is assigned and the same is monitored and tracked till its effective closure.
Corrective Action and Discipline
Evolvere management has established procedures for identifying, recording, initiating, tracking and closure of identified corrective and preventive actions for all areas of ABMS. If it is determined that noncompliant conduct has occurred, appropriate parties are responsible for corrective and/or disciplinary actions. Including termination; disciplining any involved employee(s); disciplining supervisor for failure to monitor employees appropriately.
Updating the compliance program
As Evolvere evolves as a company and as regulations change, it may amend its compliance program. The Compliance Function shall be responsible for communicating changes in the policy to employees.
For questions or to obtain a copy, please contact us at info@evolveres.in
2. Business Conduct
Conduct relating to company resources and our business partners
As Evolvere employees, we have access to client and/or our own organisation information that is not generally known to the public and provides business advantage to the Company and its clients. This confidential information includes, but is not limited to, strategic and business plans, financials, sales or pricing information, customer lists and data, vendor terms with suppliers and promotional plans. Our board and clients rely on us to protect this important business information from unlawful or inadvertent disclosure. Our ability to protect the confidentiality of this information is critical to our ability to obtain and retain clients. Unauthorized or premature disclosure could have a serious financial impact on the Company and our clients and may subject the Company and its employees to liability, including penalties that could include termination of employment for the employees.
Handling Confidential Information of Others
The company has many kinds of business relationships with many companies and individuals, employees are expected to maintain the confidentiality of information entrusted to them by the company or its customers, suppliers or partners. Employees are required to take special care to handle the confidential information of others responsibly, handling of customer information should be in accordance with the agreements with such third parties.
We Must Never
- Disclose confidential information to anyone except in relation to their job duties.
- Misuse client or other third-party confidential information.
- Inappropriately discuss, disclose confidential client or third-party information.
- Discuss confidential Company matters with, or disseminate confidential Company information to, any third party outside the Company, except as required in the performance of Company duties.
- Disclose confidential information for personal gain.
- Disclose employee information to anyone outside the Company without the employee's prior written consent.
Each employee at Evolvere is responsible for his or her own business conduct. The code of business conduct represents a non-negotiable commitment to do the right thing. By being part of Evolvere, you are making a personal commitment to understand the policies and laws that apply to your job - and always follow them. If you fail to follow these standards, you put yourself, your co-workers and Evolvere at risk. You will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination, and other possible legal consequences.
At Evolvere, we have an anti-bribery provision in place that prohibits the following:
- Offering or giving money or anything of value to an official for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business.
- Offering or giving money or anything of value to an official for the purpose of obtaining favourable legislation, regulations or improper advantage (i.e., relief from regulatory requirements, import duties or taxes).
- Offering or giving money or anything of value to a third party (e.g., broker, contractor, joint venture partner, agent or other corporation, organization, person or entity Evolvere pays (“Third Party Agent”)), while knowing that some or all of the payment will be given or offered to an official in order to obtain or retain business, or to obtain an improper advantage.
Additionally, we cannot live up to these standards if we, as individuals, fail to speak up when we should. That is why, in addition to knowing the legal and ethical responsibilities that apply to your job, you should speak up if:
- You are unsure about the proper course of action and need advice;
- You believe that someone acting on behalf of Evolvere is doing - or may be about to do - something that violates these standards or the law; or
- You believe you may have been involved in any misconduct.
Who Should I Contact for Help?
If you have a concern about a legal or business conduct issue, you have multiple options. Your reporting manager is usually a good place to start. You may also get help and advice from:
- Any member of the management team
- Any member of the Human Resources team
The most important thing is that you raise the concern quickly and effectively.
Supplier Diversity
The company's suppliers make significant contribution to our success, we recognize the importance of diversity in our suppliers and we value it. The cornerstone of our diversity policy is respect for the broad spectrum of diversity that exists within our workforce and our customer base. It is our goal to strengthen and partner with diverse business communities by contributing to their overall economic growth and to the expansion of our markets. It is our practice to promote and increase business opportunities for minority, women and disabled veteran business enterprises (M/W and DVBEs) to ensure that they receive their fair market share of Evolvere's total expenditures for services and are promoted to our clients.
3. Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
Evolvere endeavors to reach out to underprivileged and underserved communities to address fundamental challenges of our society. We focus on the following areas that are aligned to Schedule VII to the Companies Act, 2013 that entails education and skill development, environmental sustainability including water and sanitation, green energy, afforestation, and humanitarian response.
Organisation structure
CSR Committee: CSR Committee comprising of three directors of the Company will formulate Company’s CSR Policy and recommend the same to the board. It will suggest and review CSR projects / initiatives from time to time. CSR Committee shall also recommend amount of expenditure to be incurred and monitor regulatory compliance.
Framework & Implementation
Board of Directors: Board of Directors shall consider recommendations of the Committee and approve CSR policy, projects / initiatives. Board shall ensure that Company executes the projects / initiatives and appropriate disclosures are made in its report as required by law.
Evaluation & Monitoring
The Committee will periodically review and modify the CSR Policy to ensure compliance with evolving laws and changing requirements of the business. Updates to the CSR policy will be carried out, and future projects will be evaluated accordingly.
Any concerns relating to the CSR Policy can be reported to csr@evolveres.in.
4. Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety (EOHS) Policy
EOHS Policy
At Evolvere, we are committed to providing our employees with a healthy and safe environment while reducing our environmental impact. We strive to ensure that all our operations adhere to environmental, health, and safety regulations. The key objective is to improve the well-being of employees while maintaining sustainable business practices.
Roles & Responsibilities
The company ensures adequate resources to implement the EOHS policy effectively. All employees are required to contribute by following established safety measures, and the company tracks compliance with its EOHS goals.
Concerns & Reporting
If you have concerns related to EOHS policies or want to report an issue, please reach out to our EOHS team at info@evolveres.in.